Accessibility Overview

Why should I care about accessibility?

Apart from being the right thing to do, you are doing your business a disservice if you ignore an entire market that is actively looking to engage with your business.

What’s the easiest most impactful thing I can do to improve accessibility?

Put the information people need on Your Website.

How do I know if I’m doing it right?

Involve disabled people in the Game Design & Testing stages.

But there are so many disabilities, how do I accommodate them all?

You don’t need too and no one is going to be mad if you aren’t perfect. People will appreciate your effort.

We’ve included below some information by disability to get you started

Blind or Low Vision
Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Mobility and Physical Disabilities
Neurological and Neurodiversity

We don’t know everything either, so please get in touch if you have ideas of accessibility needs we haven’t mentioned, or if you have any other questions or comments.